Born 1947 in Zurich, Switz­er­land
1962 until 1966 clas­sic gui­tar stu­dies
1967 until 1970 Lead-Gui­ta­rist of the Beat-Band „The The­se“, foun­ded by him,
Inter­na­tio­nal per­for­man­ces, also on TV
Fine Artist after stu­dies of colour theo­ry taught by Mas­ter­stu­dent of Johan­nes Itten
Seve­ral Exhi­bi­ti­ons at Gal­le­ries, Fine­art Muse­ums and Inter­na­tio­nal Insti­tu­ti­ons
(in Euro­pe and the USA)
Sales to Swiss and Euro­pean coll­ec­tions
Public Sculp­tu­re
Art Direc­tor of Swiss movie-pro­duc­tion (1988)
Aut­hor of seve­ral phi­lo­so­phi­cal texts


Award of the Ger­man Sta­te Baden-Wurt­tem­berg for the best cul­tu­ral radio broad­cast (1992)
Radio deba­te about Joseph Beuys with Harald Sze­e­man (1993)
Foun­da­ti­on of the Pro­ject „Ankh“ (Sci­ence of Sound)
Per­for­mance at the Zurich Con­cert Hall with Inter­pre­ta­ti­ons of John Cage and Mau­rice Kagel,
tog­e­ther with Wer­ner Bärts­chi, Pierre Fav­re and Bian­ca Medi­ci (1995)
Foun­der of the music group „Pla­s­tic Art Foun­da­ti­on“ and Initia­tor of the CDs „Sand­brot“ and
„Glutmut’s Erzäh­lung“ (2000 and 2001), „Line-Square”(2004), „Andorra”(2005), „Esca­bur“ (2006),
„Epon“ (2007), „OR“ (2008), „Mas­sauu“ (2010) and „Black­Box“ (2014)
Foun­der of the „Aca­de­my of Zeit­geist“ (2002)
Publi­ca­ti­on of his phi­lo­so­phi­cal work „GLUTMUT
in part­ner­ship with the Art Maga­zi­ne „DU“, Zurich
and the Cul­tu­re Maga­zi­ne „LETTRE Inter­na­tio­nal“, Ber­lin (2012)